FAF Cairo Egypt September 2021,
FAF is very proud of the first course results in Cairo, Egypt, The course is now over: we had about 18 trainees, plus 10 part-time vet. students.
Our course was held at Al Sorat Farm, and thanks to Marianne Stroud Gabbani for generously providing such a good venue.
We extend our gratitude to the Barbour Foundation, Geneva, for their financial support.
Our sincere thanks go to Dr. Reem, our translator. She did an excellent job, with very precise translating for both Dr. Sergio Forapani and myself.
Dr. Sameh – from the Equine Clinic Egypt – made excellent digital X-rays on the laminitic horses we treated.
Our work schedule
Every day, 3 hours were devoted to theorical content on anatomy and farriery work, followed by practical work on the horses, mules and donkey’s feet, and dissection on dead limbs. Thank you to Allie Hayes and Horse Science for providing FAF with precious anatomical leg parts for our teaching.
Our trainees were mostly local farriers and trimmers who mostly deal with working horses. They were motivated to learn about all the different cases we presented, chosen to reflect their everyday challenges. Thrush, seedy toes, white line disease, abscesses and laminitis were amongst these. Foot care is a major problem amongst working equines, and owners do not care at all about the health of their equine partners. Nutrition is a major problem, so many equines are under-fed, with a lack of dental care.
Obviously, the situation is not easy to manage because the basic knowledge and care are very insufficient and owners of the working equine are so poor. For them, horses should not waste their money but rather assure their daily revenue.

The difficult points,
In many cases, it was hard to decide where to start – when you have a horse that is under-fed, with fetlock and knees injuries, its shoeing overdue for many weeks with an owner asking you to check the feet because of lameness. Even with good new shoeing, this poor guy had a thousand good reasons to ask for rest!
Unfortunately, farriery can’t solve all the problems, but for sure we made many horses more comfortable on their feet.
This is a beginning; our trainees are very keen to attend the next course and thus participate in our program for 2022.
Any volunteer farriers are most welcome to apply to participate – if by chance, any potential volunteer spoke Arabic, it would be a huge advantage, but English would also be very adequate.
Thank you for contacting me at FAF, Geneva. Bernard. Duvernay
On behalf of the entire FAF Foundation Board team and on behalf of all our partners who work for the FAF, a very cordial thank you.
Bernard Duvernay President FAF
The difficult points,
In many cases, it was hard to decide where to start – when you have a horse that is under-fed, with fetlock and knees injuries, its shoeing overdue for many weeks with an owner asking you to check the feet because of lameness. Even with good new shoeing, this poor guy had a thousand good reasons to ask for rest!
Unfortunately, farriery can’t solve all the problems, but for sure we made many horses more comfortable on their feet.
This is a beginning; our trainees are very keen to attend the next course and thus participate in our program for 2022.
Any volunteer farriers are most welcome to apply to participate – if by chance, any potential volunteer spoke Arabic, it would be a huge advantage, but English would also be very adequate.
Thank you for contacting me at FAF, Geneva. Bernard. Duvernay
On behalf of the entire FAF Foundation Board team and on behalf of all our partners who work for the FAF, a very cordial thank you.
Bernard Duvernay President FAF

Your help is always welcome
Your support allows us to provide training in places and with people that very few care about. Through our training we show an interest, recognition towards them, as well as their animals who work tirelessly for very little income. Your loyalty is precious to us and our results are also yours.
I wish you a very pleasant end of the year.
With my sincere thanks
Bernard Duvernay
For your donations
Bank : Banque Alternative Suisse SA for : Flying Anvil Fondation -Clearing: Flying Anvil Fondation
Compte : 308.387.100-01 Clearing : 8390 IBAN : CH3008390030838710001 SWIFT CODE: ALSWCondation -Clearing: N° 240 -Compte : N° 00197734 -IBAN: CH30 0024 0240 1977 3401 R -BIC : WCHZH80A