Bernard Duvernay was sent out to Honduras under the auspices of the DDC (Swiss Directorate for Development and Cooperation), his mission being to evaluate farriery in this central American country. Following this evaluation, a specialized course was set-up at the Technical School of Tegucigalpa, aimed specifically at the local farriers. This journey was the first of many subsequent trips throughout the world. The Honduran experience was prolonged for a further 3 years in order to assure the training of future local educators. From Honduras, he subsequently organized seminars for farriers in Guatemala, Mexico, Costa Rica and Chile.

Bernard Duvernay was called upon to teach in India, in the principal thoroughbred horses stud farms : Nanoli Stud Farm, Pune; Poonawalla Stud Farm, Pune; Usha Stud Farm, Delhi; Kunigal Stud Farm, Bangalore; Equus Stud Farm, Pune; Dashmesh Stud Farm, Punjab. His main activity consisted in training farriers in these farms, to sensitize them to recent developments in the field. He organized courses and work shops at the Race courses of Bombay, Pune and Bangalore. Since 1994, Bernard Duvernay has been visiting these stud farms twice a year.

Farriery course in Tehran and Mashad, Iran.
Farriery courses in Johannesburg, Durban, Cape Town, R.S.A..
Farriery course in Lahore, Pakistan.
Farriery course in Beijing , in Hohhot (Inner Mongolia), Peoples’ Republic of China.

Farriery course in Muscat, Sultanate of Oman.
Work-shop and course in El Jadida, Marocco, for the farriers working in the souks with the SPANA Association.
Farriery course in Khartoum, Sudan.
-Consultancy mandates at Al Shakab Farm , Umm Qarn Farm, Doha, Qatar.
-Consultancy mandates at Ajmal Stud, Kuwait Riding Center Kuwait.
-Consultancy mandate for the farriers of Sheik Salman Al Khalifa, Bahreïn.

Farriery courses in Jordanie, in Egypt and in Russia (Moscow).
2005 to 2010
Farriery courses in the Czech Reoublic, in Iran, India and Mexico.
Creation of the Flying Anvil Fondation.
2010 to 2012
Courses and work-shops in various regions of India.

November 2012
Start of construction of the first Institute of the Flying Anvil Fondation in Rajasthan, India.
FAFFID Flying Anvil Foundation Farriery Institute Dundlod Rajasthan was inaugurated in May 2014 since early 2013 FAFFID organized 4 different courses per year given by very well known teachers coming from all over the world
Avril and Novembre 2013
2 times during the year FAF has organized workshops for the farrier in Barskoon, Caracol,Tup and Bishkek – Kirghiztan
Mai 2014
FAF:Course in Tehran Iran for the vets and the farriers.
FAF presented theoretically and practically: Modern Farriery” in Mumbai Amateur Rider’s Club Mumbai India, Toly Equestrian Sport Club Calcutta India, Race course Calcutta India.
FAF: Worshops at: MD Equestrian Surat Gujarat India – Patel Stud Farm Ahmedabad Gujarat Inde – Jodhpur Horse show, Jodhpur Rajasthan – Mounted Police Jaipur Rajasthan.
14-23 juillet 2016
FAF:farriery course in Tananarive Madagascar sponsors FEI Lausanne Switzerland.
24 juillet 6 août 2016
Farriery course in Lesotho South Africa sponsore: Barbour Foundation Geneve Switzerland.
mars 2017
Farriery course in Lesotho South Africa sponsore: Barbour Foundation Geneve Switzerland.
Novembre 2017
Farriery course at the race course in Nuwara Eliya , Sri Lanka.
avril 2018
Farriery course in Lesotho South Africa sponsore: Barbour Foundation Geneve Switzerland.
avril 2018
FAF Farriery workshops in Brisbane – Scone – Melbourne, Australie
avril 2018
farriery Workshops in the valleys around Cusco Pérou sponsore: par Equitarian Initiative USA
7 février 2019
Workshop at President Body Guard (PBG) Delhi Inde
12-22 août 2019
Farriery course in Teheran and Tabriz Iran
4-12 février 2020
farriery workshops at:Al Sorat Farm Cairo Egypt