Name and address
Under its name « Flying Anvil Fondation » – « FAF » (Fondation Enclume Volante) a foundation was set up, cf. Art. 80 of the Swiss Civil Code.
The Foundation is based at the following address:
21 route de Florissant, 1206 Geneva Switzerland
Goals of the Foundation
Development of projects for farriers in underprivileged countries or emerging nations, in order to provide optimum hoofcare to equines (working, transportation or sports), to preserve knowledge and know-how of the farriery profession.
The Foundation is not a commercial enterprise, it aims at providing a service in favour of poor and emerging nations in which the farriery profession does not possess any formal training, and where access to techniques and knowledge is therefore extremely limited.

The initial capital of the Flying anvil Fondation is CHF 50’000.- (fifty thousand Swiss Francs).
The foundation accepts donations, assets and legacies or other funds, donated by individuals or other legal entities.
These funds are recognized as revenue or capital input into the Foundation.
Board of Governors
– A Board of Governors consisting of 3-7 persons
– An auditor appointed by the Governing body
The Foundation’s council members are :
Mr Bernard Duvernay (president)
Ms Mary Overton Venet (vice-president)
Mr Felix Bollmann
Dr Yves Beyeler

Our new 2023 member of the Foundation Board
Léonard Pictet

Duties of the foundation’s Governing body
The Council has a duty to meet as often as is necessary, but atleast once per annum. Council meetings are announced by the President or at the request of two of its members. It can only deliberate if at least three of its members are present.
Decisions are taken on the basis of a majority vote of those present. In cases of equal attribution of votes, the President’s vote is decisive.
Minutes of the discussions and decisions of the foundation council have to be signed by the President and the Secretary.
Bookkeeping/revision body
The Council designates a bookkeeper/chartered accountant or accountancy firm whose responsibility it is to submit an annual written report on the Foundation’s financial situation. This accountancy examining body should be selected from outside the sphere of the Council members, and has to be independent in accordance with the requirements of Swiss legislation.